Christmas Home Decoration Ideas

A big part of the fun of Christmas is the decoration of the home. Setting up the tree, festooning the house, putting up fairy lights – there is so much that you can do to make the home look festive and ‘Christmasy’, which adds to the spirit of the festival.

If you’re planning to entertain during the holidays, the decorations will come in handy. And even if you don’t plan to entertain the festive look of the house is bound to enhance the holiday for the entire family. We look at all the different ways you can add touches of Christmas to your home:

1. Go with a Christmas color scheme


It may be a good idea to have a red, green and white Christmasy color scheme for the entire house. For the upholstery, curtains, bed spreads and so on. If not, you can add rugs, cushions and throws of those colors at several place around the house to make add patches of color.

2. The tree


The tree is of course central to the home’s Christmas décor. You want a size that will not overwhelm the room and yet a size that will create a focal point in the room. Make decorating the tree a fun family activity. You can pick traditional motifs such as snowflakes, candycanes, little santas and stars or more contemporary abstract motifs.

3. The table


Whether or not you plan to have people over for Christmas, decorating the table can really bring alive the spirit of Christmas. Keep the color palette to the green and red Christmas colors and add a center piece such as decorative wreath or an arrangement of beautiful candles. Bring out your best crystal ware, sparkly cutlery and you’re set!

4. Christmas wreaths


These can go over the outside of the front door, on the walls, on the dinner table, the mantle or pretty much anywhere in the house. You can add sparkly baubles or decorations left over from the tree if you want to dress up the wreaths.

5. Decorating the mantel


This would be another focal point your Christmas décor plans. Go with a well decorated wreath over the mantel and decorative stockings hung up on the mantel. Since people don’t send so many Christmas cards anymore, print out from fun family pictures to go with the mantel décor.

6. Christmas lights


You can do as much or as little as you want. You can light up the entire house with fairy lights or you can do some parts such as the some of the doors and windows and perhaps a tree or some shrubs in the yard.