How to Control Termite Infestation at Home

Termites don’t bite and they are not the carrier of deadly disease, but the very idea of termites in the home is icky! To think of the little white ants burrowing into furniture, the walls, books and even the sight of termite nests and termite mounds outdoors in the yard or the garden can make the skin crawl.

Not only is the very idea dreadful, termites can wreak havoc in your home – destroying furniture, flooring and walls, and compromising the structural integrity of a home. Many insurance policies do not cover termite damage and so ignoring a termite problem can lead to your home literally being eaten up from within, so what you can do to prevent this from happening:

Preventive measures

Termites need moisture to thrive. To prevent termite infestation, keep moisture and humidity levels in control. Clear drains and gutters around the house to avoid moisture build up. Avoid storing wood close to the house and avoid using wood mulch close to the foundation of the house.

control-termite-infestationRegularly clear debris from around the house. Termites can quickly take hold in the log of a fallen tree or other discarded wood. Also remember that termites are less comfortable in sand than they are in soil because soil retains more moisture, which is easier for tunneling (vital to termite colonies), so where possible, replace soil with sand.

Home remedies for termite control

Termite bait is one DIY solution for terminate infestations. The bait consists of material that termites confuse with wood and consider as food. When the termite colony feeds on the bait, large numbers are killed and the infestation is controlled. The bait, which is typically carried by worker termites to others in the colony, contains slow acting insecticide. Putting up physical barriers by blocking passages and setting up sand barriers can also help spread of termites.

Bringing in the experts

However termites can be extremely tenacious and an infestation can be very difficult to control much less weed out. The problem is compounded by the fact that many termite remedies are toxic and are known to cause harm to house inhabitants and cause environmental poisoning or degradation.

It can also be difficult to locate termite colonies for the untrained individual. So it when it come to termite control, it is best to call in the experts who will not only seek out the colonies but will also know the best extermination methods. Modern methods include not only insecticides and termite barriers, but also high tech infrared cameras for detecting colonies and the use of microwaves for termite control.

One Response
  1. April 9, 2014