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10 Best Plants to Grow in Your Vegetable Garden

How wonderful it would be if you could keep your vegetable garden at a better level with nutritious and healthy plants. Not only would you inherit a balanced diet, but also you would be the center of attraction of your neighbors. This is basically what you have to do. Let’s go greener! Here are some best plants to grow in your vegetable garden.

1. Eggplant

At the very outset, you will need to provide yourself with healthy seeds of eggplant. Arrange a proper place in your vegetable garden and plant the seeds in a way so that there will be more than 50 cm gap between each couple of seeds. Then as the plant grows up, supply the necessary fertilizer rich with organic substances. Then you will soon discover that your eggplant is beginning to flower. You can still add some potash as well, since it will nourish the plant healthily. When your plant is about 2 months old, keep staking in order to help the plant bear its weight, which will increase as the fruits are clinging from the branches. However, it will take about 3 months for the fruits to become ripe and you can readily notice it as the color turns to dark purple.

2. Capsicum

You can start by planting the seeds 50 cm apart from each other. Keep providing the necessary manure to boost the development of the plant. It will be a must that manure is optimized with organic ingredients, especially if you want your plant to grow smoothly and healthily. The capsicum normally grows to a height of 75 cm and usually the plant is capable of being unsupported. However, it’s advisable that you put some sticks as helpers as soon as the fruits are ready. As the plant turns to more than 2 months old, you can enjoy the fruits. It is actually the ideal time to pick them up.

3. Beetroot

When you start the plantation, it is important to dig about 10 mm deep and arrange the plantation in rows, where the seeds are about 20 cm apart from each other. Just cover the seedlings softly with homemade manure and frequently water them. You should specifically be careful to avoid snails from invading your emerging plants. Adopt a necessary anti-snail precaution. Picking up too excessive foliage will affect badly for your plant’s health. At the end of 3 months of feeding the plant, you can easily pick the harvest.

4. Spring onion

You will need to make a hollow of 5 cm to lay the seeds in the beginning. Arrange the plantation with respect to rows which are more than 10 cm apart from each other. Keep watering them regularly and within a matter of only a few days you will see some emerging seedlings from the ground. Protect the plantation from possible predators, as they will make your vegetable garden vanish during the fall of night. Keep planting continuously once a month and usually you can enjoy the harvest at the end of the first two months of your spring onion.

5. Silver beet and rainbow chard

You will get the best results if you plant the seeds within a row-like distribution, whose absolute gap will be 30 cm. It is indeed a necessity to watch out for predators like snails and slugs to safeguard this plantation. Generally within a course of 1 month, the plants will be mature enough, and you may start picking off the stalks and green leaves. However, flower spikes will be visible after the first 2 months of the plant growth and you can cut off the flowers. Nevertheless, you want them to bloom and end up with seeds, which will be usable for the next plantation. These plants will continue to provide the food for a few years. Besides, you can replant them at regular intervals such as annually, to yield the best results.

6. Tomato

When you are dealing with tomatoes, it is better to plant the seeds with a separation of 50 cm in general. Since each plant will give you an average production of 4 Kg you will also be able to get an extra profit by selling additional fruits if you treat the plants pretty well. You can also try different types of tomatoes, such as cherry tomatoes and the Mighty Red type. Provide better fertilizer compost to achieve better results. You should also be careful to filter extra nitrogen components for the plants. Try to maintain healthy soil moisture to help plants grow without troublesome experiences. In addition, you can use either the ground or pots to grow the tomatoes, whose harvest will be available at the end of its first 3 months under proper treatment and maintenance.

7. Carrots

A healthy rearing of the carrots is determined by a few factors. The status of the soil (moist or dry), exposure to the light, and whether the ground is pre-sown can all contribute a lot towards the growth of carrots. Mix the seeds with some sand before you make them lie down in holes, which must be at least 20 cm apart. Treat the seeds with timely watering and manure. It will take almost a couple of weeks for seeds to emerge. The general principle of being free of predator attacks applies same here. Ideal harvesting will be after 3-4 months from plantation. Furthermore, a monthly sowing will lead to successful results in the end.

8. Rocket lettuce

Usually, the very simple methods are applied here as well. First, sow the seeds in holes that have been dug with a depth of 6 mm. Similarly, beware of predators like snails and slugs. Often, it is wise to supply some fertilizers with regular watering. After the first month, you can start picking up the leaves and make sure that the plant is more than 15 cm in height.

9. Combination lettuces

Combination lettuces can add an elegant look to your vegetable garden. Like the rocket lettuce, the precautions and methods of plantation are almost the same. Moreover, it’s practically better to start harvesting with individual leaves.

10. Basil

Start your plantation with sowing seeds at 20 cm apart. Be vigilant of a potential invasion from snails and the like. Provide the necessary fertilizers that are rich with organic contents. Add some potash to boost its growth. Keep picking when needed and don’t exercise this too much. It is most likely to reap a good harvest if the advisable harvesting date is reached (when the plant is 4 months old).

These vegetable plants are worth growing and you will definitely experience the difference of your greener and healthier backyard garden.

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