Organic Container Gardening for Beginners: Some Useful Tips

So many of us don’t have the luxury of space but may still desire to have natural green things growing around us. But even those of us without yards or gardens to grow things in have other options: the option of organic container gardening; which is a great solution for people with limited living space.

You can grow seasonal flowers, perennials, herbs and even some vegetables in pots and containers. You have the additional advantage of being able to protect your plants from the elements as well – if it hails or snows you simply bring them indoors, an option not available if you have your plants rooted in the ground. Here are some organic container gardening tips you can use:

1. Unutilized space

Consider any unutilized space in your home: window sills, a verandah, a balcony, sit-out, deck, the roof for putting your plant pots and containers.

2. Growing Columns

Use growing columns where you can use a shelf like structure to stack your plants so that in a very small area you can house many plants.

3. Sunlight

Some plants need lots of sunlight, whereas some can even thrive indoors. Consider the requirements of the plant: how much sun will it need and is that area of the home going to get that amount of sunlight?

4. Plant type

organic-container-gardeningWhen choosing plants consider what type they are: dwarf varieties grow well in pots whereas larger varieties of plants could outgrow the smaller area you may have assigned for them. Also consider whether you want to get the sort of plants that require quite a bit of care and maintenance and whether you have the time to tend to them.

For instance cactuses and succulents are hardy, needing little care whereas others will need to be watered more regularly, will need to be fertilized at regular intervals, will need their soil turned over, will need pruning and so on. Flowering varieties will need to have deadheads removed as well. Also consider the fact that many plants are naturally resistant to disease and pests, whereas others are more vulnerable and need greater care.

5. Container type

When choosing containers for your organic container gardening, match the size and type of the pot to the kind of plant you are growing. The pot should be big enough for the plant to flourish. Your pots should also have holes for proper drainage to prevent water logging and root damage. Most annual flowers are suitable for organic container gardening. You can even grow tomatoes, herbs, spinach, lettuce, beans and peas quite easily.

One Response
  1. March 24, 2015